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Congrès internationaux et publications des années précedentes

Dans le cadre de son travail de recherche docteur Vandekerchove participe régulièrement à des congrès internationaux afin d'y présenter ses résultats.

Publication 2024, Vandekerckhove K., EDOF lenses: evidence from controlled studies, edition ophta, Kongress SAoO 2024

Read the publication here or click on the picture on the right.

dr. med. kristof vandekerckhove, augenarzt, vista alpina augenklinik, publikationen, kongresse, interviews

Presentation Microsurgery congress, Eilat Israel, January 2023.

Last generation EDOF lenses

dr. med. kristof vandekerckhove, augenarzt, vista alpina augenklinik, publikationen, kongresse, interviews

Presentation Microsurgery congress, Eilat Israel, January 2023. Last generation EDOF lenses

Presentation 10th Ljubljana Refractive Surgery Meeting,

May 2022 (7). Last-generation EDOF lenses: promise and evidence

(7) Presentation 10th Ljubljana Refractive Surgery Meeting,

May 2022. Last-generation EDOF lenses: promise and evidence

Presentation ESCRS 2021, Amsterdam 

ISOPURE® replacing monofocal IOL after 18 months and 800 implantations

Presentation ESCRS 2021, Amsterdam 

ISOPURE® replacing monofocal IOL after 18 months and 800 implantations

Publication 2018, Vandekerckhove K. (6), Rotational stability of monofocal and trifocalintraocular toric lenses with identical design and material but different surface treatment, International Ophthalmology, J Refract Surg. 2018;34(2):84-91

dr med. kristof vandekerckhove, médecin chef, ophtalmologue, vista alpina clinique ophtalmologique, publications, congrès, interviews, viège, sion, sierre, valais

(6) Publication 2018, Vandekerckhove K., Rotational Stability of Monofocal and Trifocal Intraocular Toric Lenses With Identical Design and Material but Different Surface Treatment

Presentation ESCRS 2017, Lisbon (5)

A new sizing tool for the implantable contact lens (ICL), K. Vandekerckhove

dr med. kristof vandekerckhove, médecin chef, ophtalmologue, vista alpina clinique ophtalmologique, publications, congrès, interviews, viège, sion, sierre, valais

(5) Presentation ESCRS Lisbon 2017, Vandekerckhove K., A new sizing tool for the implantable contact lens (ICL)

Presentation International ICL Expert Congress 2017 (4)

A new sizing tool for the implantable contact lens (ICL), K. Vandekerckhove

dr med. kristof vandekerckhove, médecin chef, ophtalmologue, vista alpina clinique ophtalmologique, publications, congrès, interviews, viège, sion, sierre, valais

(4) Presentation International ICL Expert Congress 2017: Vandekerckhove K., A new sizing tool for the implantable contact lens (ICL)

Presentation ESCRS 2016, Copenhagen (3)

FP-28143 - Rotational stability of a new toric IOL platform after routine cataract surgery: Ankoris® and Finevision toric®, K. Vandekerckhove

Presentation ESCRS 2016, Copenhagen

FP-28048 - A new sizing method for the Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL), K. Vandekerckhove

(3) Presentation ESCRS 2016, Copenhagen: Rotational stability of a new toric IOL platform after routine cataract surgery: Ankoris® and Finevision toric® 

Interview ESCRS 2016, Copenhagen (2): Kristof Vandekerckhove talks about the Ankoris® and Finevision® toric intraocular lenses and which patients are likely to benefit the most from toric lenses;®

(2) Interview Dr Vandekerckhove regarding toric/multifocal lenses for cataract surgery, ESCRS 2016, Copenhagen, part 1

(2) Interview Dr Vandekerckhove regarding toric/multifocal lenses for cataract surgery, ESCRS 2016, Copenhagen, part 2

Presentation ESCRS 2016, Copenhagen (1)

POS-32179 - Evaluation of the rotational stability of toric IOL: importance of head positioning and cyclotorsion, K. Vandekerckhove

Presentation ASCRS 2016, New Orleans

Rotational stability of a new toric IOL platform after routine cataract surgery: 71 eyes with a toric monofocal or a toric trifocal IOL, K. Vandekerckhove

dr med. kristof vandekerckhove, médecin chef, ophtalmologue, vista alpina clinique ophtalmologique, publications, congrès, interviews, viège, sion, sierre, valais

(1) Presentation ESCRS 2016, Copenhagen: Evaluation of the rotational stability of toric IOL: importance of head positioning and cyclotorsion

Presentation ESCRS 2015, Barcelona, Spain,

Rotational stability of a new toric intraocular lens platform (Ankoris® and Finevision toric®, PhysIOL SA) after routine cataract surgery: 64 consecutive cases, K. Vandekerckhove

Peer reviewed paper: Vandekerckhove, K., Aflibercept versus ranibizumab for treating persistent diabetic macular edema, International Ophthalmology 2015; 35(4):603-9

Presentation: Best of the Best Presentation at the ESCRS (European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery) September 17, 2014, London, UK, K. Vandekerckhove, Ankoris: a new toric IOL with insufficient rotational stability after cataract surgery

Poster: 2014 EURETINA, 14th International Congress, September 11 - 14, 2014, London, UK, K. Vandekerckhove. Aflibercept versus ranibizumab in diabetic macular edema



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Clinique ophtalmologique

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1950 Sion

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Rue du Bourg 3a

3960 Sierre

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3930 Viège

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